Glamour Style Photo Manip
In this tutorial I will teach you how to create a glamour shot style photo manipulation as shown below:
First of all take an image of a brunette girl:
First we want to touch up on her hair. Duplicate the layer and click Image>>>Adjustments>>>Hue/Saturation, and apply these settings: Hue: 23, Saturation: 90, Lightness: -18 (colorize and preview checked). Erase everything except the hair and set to Hue at about 80%.
Now get the burn tool and zoom into your image, burn under her eyes to give her a eyeliner effect.
Then click Image>>>Adjustments>>>Hue/Saturation and apply these settings, Hue: 185, Saturation: 25 and Lightness: 0, once again check colorize and preview,
zoom in and erase everywhere except the pupils of her eyes and set to color.
Now click Image>>>Adjustments>>>Hue/Saturation and apply these settings: Hue: -55, Saturation: +26, Lightness: +9 (uncheck Colorize and Check preview), then
erase everywhere except her lips set this layer to color at 46%.
Now get a picture of flowers:
Use it as a background for your glamour shot and add an onmi, and your done!